My deepest desire is to honor the womb as a sanctum.

Womb: our first home; a place of gestation.
Sanctum: a sacred place, especially a shrine within a temple or church.

What if we could behold the power of the womb as our first home, and the holy altar within the temple of our bodies? Imagine if we were born knowing that we came from a holy place, surrounded by earth mother. From here, healing happens.

Download my free simple elemental "reset" rituals to help you navigate this wild world.

Chaya Leia Aronson
photo by @briannakin

Hi Dear Ones,

Chaya Leia here. I honor the courage and vulnerability it takes to show up here. It is my honor and pleasure as a holistic bodyworker to support your journey to more health, vitality and pleasure in your life. I am here to dispel the illusion that the struggles many of us live with in our pelvic and abdominal health are “normal” things to learn to live with. As someone who journeyed with Chronic Pelvic Pain for a long time and live with freedom from that pain now, I believe in our body’s capacity to renew and restore.

We start by honoring the holy temple of our bodies, and all the stories these bodies hold. We honor the joy and the grief, the pleasure and the pain. And then we work together multidimensionally with Maya Abdominal Massage, Holistic Pelvic Care, embracing new ways of relating to food as medicine, herbal support, yoni steaming and more to create the health and embodiment you desire.

Chaya Leia Aronson

Registered Nurse
Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®
Holistic Pelvic Care™

Rediscover your health, vitality and pleasure.

Womb Sanctum Spa Day

Imagine entering back into the womb, to be tended, honored and nourished.

In a luxurious three hour session, we include time for tending the heartscape, a full bodywork session that includes Maya Abdominal Massage and Holistic Pelvic Care, a yoni steam, and a uniquely crafted plan to support you moving forwards in your life with health, vitality and pleasure.